Nature walk about symbolism
Are you convinced that certain coincidences in your life don't just happen? Are you looking for the deeper meaning of your life, events, persons or animals that appear in your path? Do you like long walks in nature? Then this workshop is definitely something for you. We spend a whole day outside in the beautiful region of the Famenne opening and connecting to everything that comes our way. Then we will visit the
Cave of Han which is much more than a tourist site. This Natural Temple contains a wealth of symbols and spiritual energies that we connect with during the tour. Finally, we visualize a self-chosen dream scenario for our own future and learn to seal it by means of a certain technique (becoming the dream state).
- 10u00: meeting church Han-sur-Lesse
- 10u15: walk to Belvaux, the Rapides, Griffaloux (lunch)
- 13u30: Secret Valley (games)
- 16u00: visit to the Caves
- 18u00: closing ritual visualization
Close Encounters of the 5th Kind is a term invented by Stephen Greer which means: Human-initiated contact or encounter with ET- or transdimensional entities. This is done through a protocol named the CE5-protocol. The principal idea behind CE-5-protocol is that these civilizations use technologies that transcend the linear technologies based on the speed of light (300.000 km/sec.) in order to get here. If this were not the case, they would need at least thousands or millions of years to transmit their message to Earth, which is highly unlikely. The speed of thought and consciousness, on the contrary, is much faster than light and are the basis of interstellar communication. Waves of thought, telepathy, transdimensional consciousness,... are called scalar waves.
Scalar waves have been discovered by Nikola Tesla and are the key to transdimensional communication and profound cellular healing. These waves have no mass and can go thousands of times faster than light. They communicate over vast interstellar distances of millions of light-years through a process called quantum-entanglement. Scalar waves can be generated by human consciousness through meditation and they can be amplified by group-connections, geo-acoustic portal places like the Han-Caves, piezo-electric temples and pyramids,..
Therefore, from 2022, we will do CE-5 outdoor group meditations in the Ardennes-region at each New Moon phase.
Do you have the feeling that there is more in life than you are actually aware of?
Are you looking for answers regarding your own destiny and role in your life?
Do you believe that most answers are to be found in your immediate environment?
Are you ready for an experience that might forever change the way you see reality?
Then the Synchronicity Experience is certainly worth the try!
In one-day-long experience, you learn about synchronicity and how it can be "awakened" in your own life.
The program is as follows:
- 10:00 : Lecture about synchronicity, how it transformed my own life into a blissful reality.
- 12:00 : dinner
- 13:00 : Meditation to expand your Self (uniting your inner and outer reality)
- 13:30 : Guided walk through the magnificent landscape around the Han-Caves during which we learn about the essence of the plants, animals, geological aspects,... on our and what they signify for us personally. The goal is to open up our Self for the synchronicities on our .
- 15:30 : pause
- 16:00 : Exclusive tour through the magical Han-Caves during which we stand still with the main archetype of amazing site: the Bridge between Life and Death, between healing and entropy.
The Han Caves is much more than a world famous touristic site. What many people don't know is that cave has been used by man since at least 10.000 years, not only as a refuge but mainly as an underground temple for esosteric purposes linked to Death and Rebirth. is proven by the hundreds of archaeological objects found at both ends of the Cave and by the etymology of the name of the hill (Boine = "White Cow") in which the Han Caves are situated. Igor takes you on a trip through his personal history and esoteric experiences in the Han Caves and clarifies the spiritual connection of the Han Cave with a specific part of the Milky Way which the ancient Celts named the Bru na Boine ("The Womb of the White Cow").
Esotericism is the spiritual knowledge about man and comos which is not accessible for everybody but only for initiates. In other words, during exclusive tour in one of the most astounding caves in Europe, you are initiated in certain spiritual and cosmic secrets concerning ancestrally sacred site.

Did you know that the oldest and most active pyramid in the world is situated in Bosnia? Did you know that a massive underground tunnel system is being excavated since 15 years? Did you know that a electromagnetic beam with a frequency of 28.000 Hz can be measured on top of the Pyramid of the Sun? Do you want to know more about enigmatic site, source of so much debate since its discovery? Then the yearly autumn equinox festival is certainly an event to pinpoint on your calendar. The festival is organised at the Bosnian Pyramid complex and includes conferences, workshops, tours, live experiences with the strange tangible forces on the site, music performances, commercial stands,...
During my own visit to the site earlier in 2022, I had a large conversation with the director and discoverer of the pyramids, Semir Osmanagic, during which I could explain my own experiences with plasma intelligence and the resutling theory about the ancient piezo-electric wireless system of the megalithic civilization. As a result, he invited me to give a talk on September 24, during the Autumn Equinox Festival.
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