What we consider 'reality' is in fact a continuous interaction between an inner subjective observing 'I' and a exterior objective outside world. For the inner 'I', the outside world seems to exist completely independently of our observation. However, ask yourself how this table would look like without your senses... Are you so sure that what you consider as yellow is seen as yellow by everybody else? How about hallucinations, in which observations of the 'objective' reality are deformed by mere neurological processes? In other words, we can hardly deny that 'our world' is a personal translation of our senses which, in turn, depend completely on our neurological make-up. What is more, 'Reality' consists of an inner and an outer part, a double 'I' or 'I-I'. Of course, we know this principle as the Dual nature of Reality.
- In English, the word I is written as a capital letter 'I', a large vertical line. Coincidentally, this word is pronounced exactly the same as the word eye, the most important sense with which we observe reality.
- The smaller vertical line, on the other hand, represents the letter l (el). This word descends directly from the oldest Mother Language of most modern Western Languages: Indo-European, where el meant the primoridial principle of 'Life' or 'God'.
- It is therefore not a surprise that we find the vertical line not only in Language but also in the mathematical world which is much more universal. There, the vertical line represents the number 1, two of these vertical lines then represent the number 11: guess what, in English pronounced as El-Even (or "God-alike').
We can't deny that the words for I, for God and for the number 1 are noted in the same way, at least in the most spoken Language of modern Western Civilization. Coming back to what I said previously about the dual aspect of reality, we can say that the number eleven represents just that: the resonance between the inner and outer Self. This is NOT a coincidence as I shall demonstrate that this number is the basic number of a very ancient model of the Matrix of Reality which was once called Mount Meru.
The Mound of Creation
In every corner of the planet we find legends that tell about the First Mound of Creation that rose up from the primordial Waters to give life to all beings in the Universe. This mythological concept is probably not only the oldest but also the most universal one. The best known name for this mound that has survived until today is Mount Meru. Other, later civilizations develeped their own variants like the Greek Mount Olympus, Mount Ararat, Mount Morya,... Important to know is that in all these cases, the essential principle was the same: the Source of Creation, the Navel of the World, the Axis Mundi.... In all the mythological explanations of the Mound of Creation, we find that on top of it lives the Highest God or primordial principle of Life who governs over the lower levels of the Mound. This God was represented in many different ways but one of His common attributes was lightning (Zeus, Indra,...), Gold and the Elixer of Immortality. Often, a Golden Egg was protected by two serpents that lay coiled around the Holy Mountain and the Elixer of Immortality (Amrita) was produced by 'vibrating' the Mound according to specific rhythms and resonances.
Of course, in none of these cases, the essence was about a real mountain, even though many real mountains have been identified with the Primordial Mound by later civilizations. In reality, a metaphysical matrix of reality was what was meant. It is commonly known that Mount Meru actually represented the Triangle of Pascal. This is a triangular configuration of whole numbers starting with 1 at the top and adding up the two overlying numbers when going down to lower levels. This creates a 'numerical mountain' with the summit and the two sides made up of numbers 1.

On the summit, we see the number 1, the primordial principle of Creation, the Non-Dual Unity Consciousness of God, "El". Beneath El, we see that this principle is shifted in two 1's or El's, in other words in El-Even. This is the Creation of Duality, the illusory separation between the inner observer and the outer world. These both El's separate further from each other at each lower level, creating increasinly larger gaps between them. These gaps then represent the 'Bridge' between both aspects of reality and are noted as a horizontal line that connects that the two vertical lines of the sides:
Here we see the three most important quantities in our realtiy which are noted in this same way. At first sight, these three quantities have nothing to do with each other, but...
This clearly demonstrates that the number 11, the element H and the number Pi resonate with each other and with the El-Even Matrix. This means that the first 11 rows of PT are crucial and signify a kind of transition. The number 1, God, Zeus, Indra, El,... literally commands the 10 lower levels so that we have the Ten Commandments transmitted by God who appeared as a lightning ball in a "burning bush". God was also called Jahweh but was written in 4 Hebrew characters, the Tetragrammaton, in which we clearly see Pi 7 Pi 7:
What resonates in number, also resonates in geometry (Space):
So, it is only logical that the number El-Even also forms a resonance point in geometry. In this case, this resonance is characterized by a resonance between the circle and the square. The circumference of a circle with diameter 9 equals that of a square with diagonal 10 and sides 7. The angles of this square with diagonal 10 are formed by the centers of the two smaller circles at both ends of the diamater:
In our Universe, the circle is the 2D-representation of the sperical heavenly bodies like stars and planets. The square, on the other hand, stands for the material constructions of the Earth. If we want to construct a building that resonates with the Earth, this 9-1-1-matrix provides the most natural and easy method to do this.
This means that we need to divide the diameter of our planet in 9 equal parts or the circumference in 28 parts of length. In the case of the Earth, this gives roughly 880 miles/unit (7920/9 = 880). When we now look to the four angles of the square, the parts of them that stick out of the circle, then we see that these are 1/2 diameter of a unit or 880/2 = 440. Now, would it be a coincidence that the basic lenghth of the Great Pyramid is exactly 440 Royal Cubits (RC)? (1 RC = Pi/6 and a 1/2 RC = 2,618 or Phi²).
Why was this so important?
To understand this, we must know that our planet produces standing waves which expand from the centre of the Earth's landmass. These waves can be transduced into electromagnetic energy by piezo-electric crystals like quartz. Therefore, the Great Pyramid of Giza was built
- on the exact centre of the Earth's landmass
- contains a igh concentration of micro quartz crystals
- in resonance with the dimensions of the Earth
- in resonance with the El-Even Matrix.
When two EM-waves coming from opposite directions collide with eachother, something even more astounding happens: instread of completely annihilating each other, a new and more coherent energy form is created which transcends time and space: scalar energy. In this way, a construction like the Pyramid of Giza transduces the natural infrasounds of the Earth into the first state of matter: plasma This form of energy is born of the transmutation of matter. It is therefore the quintessential element of Alchemy, the Elixer of Immortality, the Portal to Interdimensional travel and communication,... It is symbolized by the horizontal line between the two vertical lines, the "Even" in El-even.
To make the circle round again, the One who embodies the Bridge between Inner and Outer Self knows him complete Self and becomes master over Time and Space. This is what is meant by Hermes when he says: Know Thyself, As Above, So Below.
These are only a few of the hidden alchemical secrets of Pascal's Triangle and Mount Meru. In fact, all languages in the world hide this kind of alchemical secrets which are waiting to be comprehended by the initiates.