The book
Hallu Cygns explains the synchronistic and transdimensional events that happened after a close encounter with three plasma beings in Alton Barnes on the night of 28 July 2010. These unexplainable experiences eventually lead to a complete body of knowledge, a Matrix, which enables the construction of an interdimensional portal or a stargate. It is my conviction that this Matrix was once commonly known as Meru and that it was used worldwide for the at-ONE-ement of the whole planet to the Higher Harmonics of our Universe.
The Cygnus Mystery
The first strange phenomenon which started to happen short after my encounter was an unexplainable obsession with swans. These seemed to show up everywhere I came. This became so bizarre that I started to look for explanations. This is how I came upon the groundbreaking book of Andrew Collins “The Cygnus Mystery”. Amazingly, I had met Andrew a few hours before our close encounter, in the Coronation Hall in Alton Barnes where he had talked about his discovery of a hidden tomb under the Pyramid of Giza. In The Cygnus Mystery, Andy tells about the importance of the constellation of the Swan, Cygnus, in the ancient mindset of all ancient civilizations, since at least paleolithic times. The celestial Swan sits at the beginning of the Dark Rift in the Milky Way, a place correlated to the Womb of the Galactic Goddess, the place of rebirth and access to the Afterlife.
Cygnus X-3 and the Cygnets
To my question how the plasma beings could be linked to the Swan, he said that recently, a hyper energetic gamma particle has been detected which is called the cygnet (little swan) because it is ejected by a neutron star Cygnus X-3 in the Cygnus constellation. What is special about this particle is that it arrives on Earth at a 4.8h interval, which is the exact time of the orbit of Cygnus X-3's companion star. Normally, when cosmic particles arrive in our atmosphere, they collide with heavier particles and loose energy, become heavier and are absorbed by the Earth's crust.. This means that cygnets come in a straight way without loosing energy and time. It has been recorded that the cygnet-flow increased when Cygnus was passing through the zenit. According to some, the cygnet is a possible candidate for being the quintessential “God-particle” and therefore believe that cygnet-radiation could even be responsible for the sudden boosts in the evolution of consciousness on our planet. So is there a link between the plasma light balls in England, the cygnet-particle and certain geological features? I believe so, which is the reason I came to call them the HalluCygns, referring to the illusory nature of reality which we continually "cygni-phi" with our thoughts and beliefs.
According to scientific researchers, plasma phenomena are induced by friction of quartz and calcite crystals in the rock. During this process, cosmic dust particles like cygnets trapped in these crystals are released and activated in the plasma ball , forming DNA-strands and complete lifeforms in mere seconds inside the plasma environment. What is more, plasma-phenomena seem to induce heightened states of consciousness to eventual witnesses, a process which has been correlated to the Biblical story of Mozes and his encounter with the ‘burning bush’ for example. Amazingly, the mathematical essence of what is meant with the Ten Commandments and the Tetragrammaton is exactly what was revealed to me as well, a few years after my encounter with the plasmoïds. But I’m getting ahead of the facts.. What is important to know is that plasma is the First State of Matter. Plasma can be most easily described as electrified gas. It is the element of lightening. Lightening is most certainly the most awesome manifestation of "heavenly light touching the earthly plane" which continues to fascinate modern man. What is important to know is that plasma has been found to function as a bridge between dimensions, it is a medium which enables interdimensional traveling and communication. In other words, the one who can generate, control and harness this awesome energy can create a stargate.
“Xeniton 9 – 10”
In 2015, a few years after the encounter, I received a psychic message while I was dozing off on the sofa: “Xeniton 9 – Xeniton 10”. I intuitively felt that this strange term hid some very deep knowledge. The first things that I could deduct from this strange term were the words “Xenon” and “Zenit”, and then the passage from 9 to 10, perhaps symbolically connected to Death and Rebirth. As I didn’t come any further than that after a few weeks, I decided to talk about it to Andrew Collins. At first he didn’t have a clue either, but after a year or so, he came back to me with a piece of information that “could possibly be linked to my psychic message”. He said that a new star had been discovered in the Cygnus Constellation which displayed a very strange behaviour. The star was accompanied by an orbiting object which caused lightdips that were so irregular that it shocked the astronomical world. It soon became the subject of wild claims and became known as Tabitha’s Star or Tabby’s Star, after its discoverer Tabitha Boyaijan. Andrew, as a pioneer in bringing the Cygnus constellation to the world’s attention, became interested in the star’s lightdips which seemed to follow a pattern, not unlike a morse-code. After some years of observation of these patterns, he and his colleague Rodney Hale came to the conclusion it was sending a numerical code known as Pascal’s Triangle (PT), a triangular array of binomial coefficients. Although it is known under this modern name today, it was already known and revered in ancient times as Mount Meru, the Primordial Mound of Creation. Hale and Collins discovered that the last sent numbers were 132 and 42, numbers related to the 9th and 10th dimension of the PT (see image below). This was where I came in, because Collins believed it was possibly connected to my psychic message:

The fact that these two Pi-forming numbers are found by subtracting instead of adding number values incited us both simultaneously to construct a “Negative Triangle” in which you can find the three aspects involved in the term “Xeniton 9 -10”:
In this Negative Triangle you can see the atomic number of Xenon (54), the mass number of Xenon (132) and the Neutron Number of Xenon (78) when you count up all the hexagons of the first eleven rows in the Triangle. This eleventh or EL-Even dimension can only be reached by particles coming from the exact zenit position above the Triangle.
Tabitty, Land of the Bees
As if this was not enough, a few days later, I received another piece of the puzzle. On a certain morning, I woke up with the words “Tabitty, Land of the Bees” in my mind. As if struck by lightening, I ran down the stairs to pick up the book in which I had read these words before: “The Venus Blueprint” of Richard Merrick. What was so special about this? Well, I immediately made the link with the name of the star: Tabitha’s Star, Tabitty’s Star… Could there really be a link between a human name, a distant star’s light dips, Pascal’s Triangle and the bees??? Indeed, PT looks like a honeycomb with its hexagonal structure but I soon found out that there was a lot more of bee-related material to be found in Tabby’s Star’s light codes, whence I came to name her the “Bee Star”. Many ancient civilizations revered the bees and associated them with fertility and cosmic harmony. Pythagoras, the Merovingians (Meru-Vingians), the Papal tiara,… all of these indicated an ancient worship for the bees, often called the Children of Venus. The planet Venus describing a pentagram while orbiting the Sun in relation to Earth has always been associated with the Golden Mean and gold was associated with honey. The Golden Spiral, on the other hand, embodies the damping factor in musical harmony while the hexagon stands for the resonant factor embodied by the Pi-ratio. The hexagonal structure is the most notable aspect in the structure of a honeycomb.. As it happens, both mathematical constants are generated by the hexagon. It is known that the radius of a circle with diameter 1 divides its circumference (3,1415... = Pi) in 6 equal parts (Pi/6) creating a hexagon. The ancient Egyptians used 1/6 of this circumference (Pi/6 = 0,5236) as their most sacred unit, the Royal Cubit. The remaining 5/6 of the circumference then form (0,5236 x 5) = 2,618 or Phi².

Both these universal constants are also found in PT as the damping Fibonacci-sequence and the resonating C-note octave based on the doubling number sequence. You can also see why Mount Meru has always been described as being protected by two Serpents (Fibonacci-spirals) protecting the Golden Egg on top of it (know that there are 78 hexagons/numbers in the first eleven rows of PT):

The Pi-ratio is the universal constant between the circumference of a circle and its diameter, thus embodies the non-linear and concentric progression of circle-shaped standing sound waves. In order for these sounds to become audible, we need a counteractive force which damps this resonating force. This damping force is the Golden Spiral or Phi-ratio. Without this damping Golden Mean, atoms could not bond and form stable structures. Without Phi, sounds would infinitely resonate into eternity and material life would not be possible. On the other hand, if there would be only the damping Phi-geometry, there would be no resonance and thus no sound. Therefore, we need both counteractive forces in order to experience life. Logically, the mathematical and geometric interplay between these two complementary forces form the Language of Creation. This interaction is literally played out on the Earth’s surface as concentric circles (Pi) of standing waves of sound radiating out in Fibonacci distances (Phi) from the centre of the Earth's landmass in Giza towards the other sources that lay in an octagonal Fibonacci layout around the surface. Here you can see how the Squaring of the Circle literally plays out in material manifestation:

El-Even, God-alike
Logically, the principal source of this resonance was the Highest One, the Supreme God, the Number 1, In ancient times this source was called the "El" and noted as a vertical line. The distance between these points of resonance was then called El-Even (corresponding to the number 11) and formed the sacred unit of measurement and geo-acoustic sound that was used in the construction of the Pyramids, stone circles and temples in megalithic times. Just as in PT, the number 11 is also key in sacred geometry. In the image below, the circle with diameter 9 has the same circumference as the square with diagonal 10 (Alexander Thom found these 10 units in many megalithic constructions :

In the middle of the source of infrasound standing wave circles was placed the first standing stone, the datum. This first vertical stone or I (El) was the center of an octagonally squared circle with the surrounding circular arc formed by other El's which were then logically called ArcAng-El's. This explains very clearly how the notion of the Archangel was originally a mathematical concept related to sacred technology.

This is the Pyramid of Giza, built on this exact centre of Earth’s landmass and exactly matching the dimensions of the planet and its infrasound wave structure. As this pyramid is made up of trillions of micro-crystals of piezo-electric quartz, it perfectly focuses the infrasound waves, piezo-electrically transducing them into an electromagnetic energy. We know that electrically charged gas forms plasma, so it's only a matter of adding a gas in the Pyramid's inner chambers to create a charged plasma fog. Hydrogen gas is produced when water is electrolysed and heated in a vacuum chamber by metal nano-particles. Possible proof for this technology has been found by Gantenbrink whose robot discovered two valves in the airshafts in the Queen's Chamber which seem to have been used to introduce "chemicals" into the QC. This strongly suggests that a metal-enriched water was introduced in the Queen's Chamber were it was electrically charged by the piezo-electric transduction of the whole Pyramid. The so-created plasma fog was then guided through the Grand Gallery into the King's Chamber, where the initiate having ingested nano-gold enriched foods and lying in an electrum (water enriched with nano-gold and silver) enriched sarcophagus was completely engulfed in the plasma-fog. We can hardly imagine the effect of such a hyper advanced technique on the initiate priest undergoing such a powerful lightening initiation. All this thanks to the Bees Matrix or El-Even Matrix... Would it be a coincidence that we find the root "El" in the word EL-ectricity? Would it be a coincidence that the three ingredients for plasma-generation - Pi, Hydrogen and the number 11 - are all symbolized by two vertical lines made even by a horizontal line:

Not only the Egyptian pyramids are built according to the El-Even Matrix, but megalithic stone circles and temples all over the world seem to follow the same Matrix. If the ancient megalith builders had this super sophisticated knowledge and technology since at least 2500 BC, based on the Bees Matrix, we begin to have a clue why the bees were venerated by all classical civilizations.
The All-Seeing "I"
The vertical line, the El, is not only a mathematical concept. We also use the vertical line to describe our personal focus of reality, the "I". It is a fact that reality is a continuous interaction between what we consider to be an interior subjective observing "I" and an exterior objective observed reality. However, deep meditations in which we search for the "I" which is independant from external reality, always result in the same conclusion: there is no "I" independant of the external world. Everything that we indentify with is a construct of the mind which in turn is based upon the senses. Is it therefore a coincidence that the word for the most used observing sensory organ is pronounced the same way as "I" ==> "Eye"? In other words, the vertical line "I" is actually the symbol of Consciousness itself, which, as we will see below, is not independant from external reality, but is entangled with it in an endless continuum that creates the Matrix of I-I or El-Even.
It may be clear by now, that the El-Even Matrix, based on the number 11, forms the divine blueprint for plasma-generation by tapping into the natural frequencies of the Earth, Moon, Sun and the whole Universe. We can understand how plasma-generation must have been an awesome spectacle for the initiates and how its technology must have become a closely guarded secret (the Ark of the Covenant was probably the last remaining artefact). Yet, the last surviving reference to the El-Even Matrix is undoubtedly the Twin Pillars which, still today, is one of the most universally used symbols. Since thousands of years, attempts have been made, some of them very recently, to besmirch this sacred 9-11 Matrix by putting the world in chaos by destroying these symbols on dates resonating with its sacred numbers. Just like the Swastika has been desecrated by the Nazis, this same practice is still used to deceive humanity and to keep the people away from the Divine Blueprint. All this is hidden in plain sight, waiting to be rediscovered by the awake.
The answer to the question why a distant star is broadcasting all this information to us now becomes a little bit more obvious. Are we ready to recover the lost Science of Interdimensional traveling and communication? Are we ready to take position amidst the more advanced civilizations in our Galaxy? Is it all just meaningless coincidence or must this information be shared with the world?